In day 4 lecturers drawn from the School of Health Sciences and the School of Nursing were gathered to discuss the state of research and postgraduate studies in these two schools. The gathering aimed to foster discussions on various topics related to health sciences...
The third day of the research breakfast meeting brought together lecturers from the School of Education and the School of Pure and Applied Sciences. This interdisciplinary gathering provided a platform for educators and scientists to exchange ideas, collaborate on...
Tech Convergence: Fostering Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Innovation Day 2 Day 2 of the breakfast meeting was a resounding success. Dons drawn from the school of Computing and informatics and school of Engineering and Architecture. The gathering was a...
As now is the culture of the Research Innovation Incubation Commercialization and Extension department, the research breakfast meeting takes place once every year. This semester is ending on a high as the directorate planned the breakfast meeting and in attendance for...