
For Meru university of science and technology to extend its impact and community engagement, we have formed strong partnerships with external organizations and individuals.

As stated at the outset, we are builders. Put simply, we provide the critical infrastructure to solve societal challenges in the best way possible, that is, together with the following partners;

Collaborating agencies;

Regional: National: International





1 Pan African E-Waste solutions Limited Collaboration 5 Yrs Providing e-waste and ICT trainings at MUSTinternships 4/2/2022 Laveen Safary 0726709420
2 East Africa CARE-IM mask production MoU 2 Yrs   27/1/2022  
3 Meru Teaching and Refferal Hospital MoU 5 Yrs Research, training, internship, attachment/placements 3/3/2021 Dr. Joseph Wahome
4 Kenya Leather Development Council MoU 10 Yrs Development and promotion of Science, Research, Technology and innovation 7/3/2022

Dr. Isaack M. Noor 0704617705

Ms. Angela Njeri Chege 0709386000

5 Maua Methodist Hospital MoU 5 Yrs teaching, research, staff development 2/2/2022 Mr.Justus Marete
6 Equity Bank (Kenya) Limited MoU 3 Yrs Research, innovation, enterprise engagement and education and training 3/5/2021 Mary Wangari Wanjiru
7 Erasmus+Key Action 107 – International Credit Mobility Collaboration 3 Yrs Student mobility for studies 1/8/2020 Prof. Andrew J. Deeks
8 Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics Minsk,Republic of Belarus MoU 5 Yrs Exchange of academic, research and administrative staff for experience exchange, exchange of PhD, masters and undergraduate students, joint research 13/12/2020  
9 Trident Vocational Training Centre MoU   Ensuring skilled and competent plumbersProvide short time courses eg water heating systems, firefighting installations, gas technicians, pumps installation etc 9/9/2021

Devshi A. Kerai

Miss.Vaishali D. Kerai

10 IEEE TEMS (Technology &Engineering Management Society) Partnership agreement 8 Months   5/5/2021  
11  Thompson Rivers University, British Columbia, Canada MoU 3 Yrs Joint researchStudent exchangeShort term intensive programsJoint workshops and trainings 10/8/2021 Baihua Chadwick
12 Tianjin City Vocational College MoU 4Yrs Training of skilled talents in computer science, and e commerce technology 20/12/2021  
13 Jiangsu Normal University MoU 5 Yrs Exchange of academic staff scholars and students, research collaboration 12/10/2021  
14 Karumo Technical Institute MoU 5 Yrs Partiner in research fields, enhance technical and professional skills thro’ training interactions 2/4/2019

Anderson Mutembei

Humprey Nyaga

15 Sanergy Limited MoU 2 Yrs Students supervision, student/staff visitation, use of equipment and facilities, joint research, lectures and symposia 18/7/2019  
16 I Choose life -Africa MoU 3 Yrs   4/12/2019

Mike Mutungi

Dennis Ratemo

17 Community Initiatives for Rural Development(CIFORD, KENYA)  MoU 5 Yrs Community embpowerment, joint trainings, internships,fied visits May 2019

Margaret Ikiara

Odhiambo Fredrick

18 Mbeu Sub County Hospital MoU 5 Yrs Training, research, internships 3/9/2019 Mr. David Thuranira
19 County Government of Isiolo(agricultural sector Devt’ Programme 11 and Kenya Livestock Marketing Council MoU 3 and Half Yrs Livestock ProductionTomato value chainLivestock products value additionResearch and developmentTechnology transfer 8/4/2019

Salad Tutana

Mr. Abkadir Mohamed

Mr. Galgallo Jillo Nura

20 Epivot project partners and rent a pot MoU 5 Yrs   15/1/2021  
21 Kenya Education Network(KENET) Agreement 2 Yrs Installation of softwares, ensure server uptime and availability 8/9/2020

Prof. Meoli Kashorda

Hillary Cheserek

22 Kenya Agricultural& Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO) MoU 5 Yrs Agricultural researchFood security researchHealth science researchInnovation, entrepreneurship and value chain research 7/5/2019

Eliud Kireger

Patricia Ngutu

23 Meru Supreme Industries MoU 5 Yrs Research and developmentTechnological transferUse of equipment and facilitiesStaff and students trainingInnovation and incubation 31/1/2019

Mr. Justus Nguu

Mr. Charles Kaume

24 Community Initiatives for Rural Development (CIFORD,KENYA) MoU 5 Yrs      
25 Meru National Polytechnic MoU 3 Yrs Improve horticulture program in TVET,Strengthen extension staff capacity 26/11/2019 Geoffrey M Rukunja
26 National Research Fund (NRF) 56,279,248 Research Contract 3Yrs   13/8/2019  
27 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Malaysia MoU 3Yrs Joint projects involving international collaborative research, academic development exchanges, study visits, industrial placement of MUST and UTAR students 17/10/2019

Dr. Eunice Marete

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lai soon Onn

28 Numerical Machining Complex Ltd MoU 5 Yrs Creating partinerships in areas of engineering, internships, attachments, staff training and exchange 17/10/2019

Eng. Benedict M. Kimau

Zipporah Samoei

29 Diversity Education Institute MoU 5 Yrs Collaborate on research and extension,capacity building initiatives 17/6/2020 Alfonse Furuma
30 National Research Fund19,049,400 Research Grant Contract 3 Yrs Calls for proposal, training interactions, other collaborative linkages 19/1/2021

Ramah Kiprorir Rugut

Mathew Muthiani

31 Kiyan Group Limited MoU 3 Yrs Partner in Call for proposals, exchange of research and educational data, enhance professional skills for students and staff, establish other collaborative linkages 23/6/2019

Ramah kipkorir Rugut

Mathew Muthiani

32 Turkana University College MoU 5 Yrs Joint Grants application, joint trainng and research activities, internships, attachment 2020

Prof. Thomas E. akuja,

Prof. Dr. Fredrick N. Kassilly

33 Multitechnology innovations ltd Profit sharing agreement     4/5/2020 0715699466
34 Nai Multitechnology innovations ltd Profit sharing agreement   Profit making ventures, innovations 4/5/2020 Eng. Bundi Kotonya
35 Kenya Institute of Professional Studies (KIPS) MoU 5 Yrs Training interactions, research 31/1/2019

James muthaka muthee

Mr. Evans nyambego omwoyo

36 National Research Fund (NRF)29,065,563(multidisplinary) Research Grant Contract 3 Yrs Research 13/8/2019 Jemimah G. Onsare
37 Umande Trust MoU 2 Yrs Attachments, staff visitation, research 18/7/2019 Benazir O. Douglas
38 Consolata Mission Hospital NKUBU MoU 5 Yrs Training, research, internships 6/9/2019 Rev. Fr. Silas mwiti
39 ST. Theresa Mission Hospital KIIRUA MoU 5 Yrs Training, research, internships 27/6/2019 Sr. Mary Agnes Nkatha
40 Fresh Life Initiative Limited MoU 2 Yrs   18/7/2019  
41 I choose life- Africa (ICL) MoU   Internships and apprenticeship for  MUST students 4/12/2019 Mike Mutungi
42 Faculty of Engineering  AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY MoU   SPAS 12/5/2020  
43 Nai Multi technology Innovations Company MoU 4 Yrs Innovation and entrepreneurship -IGU 30/4/2020 Eng. Bundi Kotonya-CEO
44 SEEDBULLET-Netherlands Agreement   Tree planting 28/10/2020  
45 Community Initiatives for Rural Development (CIFORD, KENYA)          
46 Kenya Water Institute MoU 5 Yrs Collaboration in application for grantsInternships, attachments and field visits for MUST and KEWI students 6/11/2019 Kennedy R.O Riaga
47 Tharaka Technical and Vocational College MoU 3 Yrs e-pivot 17/1/2020 Elias Nyaga
48 Ahero Vocational Training Centre MoU     3 Yrs Improving training on horticulture at polytechnic and TVET 29/10/2019 Victor Aduma
49 Meru National Polytechnic MoU 5 Yrs ResearchStudents exchange 16/1/2019  
50 Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture &Technology Contract of Assignment 3 Yrs engineering  

Ms. Joy Riungu

Dr. (eng) james messo

51 Kenya Institute of Professional Studies MoU 5 Yrs   31/1/2019 Dr. George Mugambi
52 Siala Technical Training Institute-RONGO MoU 3 yrs Improving training in horticulture at polytechnic and TVET 26/11/2019 Mr. Fredrick Situma
53 Nai Multitechnology Innovations Company MoU 4 yrs Innovations and entrepreneurship-IGU 20/4/2020 Eng. Bundi Kotonya
54  -Cranfield university-University of western cape-University of Oregon-state University of Haiti-the University of Western Australia-Bangor University-Boston University-university of Leeds-pontificia Universidad catolica del peru Collaboration Agreement 1 yr Research 16/2/2022  
55 Stiftung fur medizinischen wissenstransfer, MUST, KEMU, MTRH       30/9/2020 Dr. Fredrick Mawira
56 Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute (KIRDI) MoU       Mr. Mutinda
57 Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) MoU   Research  

Dr. E. Amukoye

Dr. Muuo Nzuo

Dr. Cecilia Mbae

58 Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) MoU   Establishment of a botanical garden  

Dr. Stephen Omondi, 0723802170

Margaret Kaigongi, 0729459080

Samuel Wakori, 0722285923