In day 4 lecturers drawn from the School of Health Sciences and the School of Nursing were gathered to discuss the state of research and postgraduate studies in these two schools. The gathering aimed to foster discussions on various topics related to health sciences and nursing, providing a platform for educators to exchange ideas, insights, and research findings. The meeting also provided a platform for identifying potential collaborative research opportunities between the School of Health Sciences and the School of Nursing.

Prof. Romanus Odhiambo, the Vice Chancellor making his speech on the need to research more and mentoring the junior faculty.

Prof. Simon Thuranira, DVC ASA, giving his speech on the need to apply for more grants and publish the findings in reputable journals.

Prof. Charity Gichuki DVC AFP, giving her speech on how to get research to have a high impact in the community.

Prof. Amos Omamo, Director RICE, making a presentation on the grant they had recently won from Kenia

Dr. Amos Chege, Coordinator Innovations and Entrepreneurship, making a presentation on the state of publishing and innovation commercialization in the University.

Dr. Patrick Kubai, Coordinator Research and Collaboration, highlighting the steps to harnessing more from research and innovation activities within the University.

Dr. Cynthia Mugo, Director Board of Postgraduate studies sharing on the state of the postgraduate studies in the University.

Miss Ruth Gibendi, senior Librarian, sharing snippets of a successful published paper.

A group photo with the staff members drawn from school of Health Sciences and School of nursing
In the end of the breakfast meetings, the teaching staff were encouraged to prioritize research, mentorship and ensuring their research work trickles down to the community. DR. Elijah Walubuka, the registrar in-charge of administration and planning encouraged the members present to sign their performance contracts with their CoDs and CoDs to ensure they have signed the contacts with their deans.